(Click on the play buttons to hear the sounds as you go)
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As you step through the door into the entry hall.....

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You see a jack'o lantern peering at
you through the darkness.....

You gasp as the eyes seem to see right into your soul.

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You glance to your left and you see a
low-burning candle that you can
use to try to light your way.

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You take the candle into your hand and
as your eyes become semi adjusted to the
darkness mixed with the flickering light of the flame
a spider drops down and lands on you.
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You swat at it wildly wondering if there are more
on you as you finally wipe the
remnants of web from your face.

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You look down at the candle in your
hand and realize that is is dieing out quickly.
You move forward to what appears to be a stair case.
You use the candle you have to light the candleabras.
One on each bannister.

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Appearing before you in full view is a staicase.

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You see something you don't wish to see
coming at you from the upper level.
You dart to the right and through a door that you didn't
notice was there until the candles were lit.

a door to where?

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