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As you step through the door into the entry hall.....

You see a jack'o lantern peering at
you through the darkness.....
You gasp as the eyes seem to see right into your soul.

You glance to your left and you see a
low-burning candle that you can
use to try to light your way.

You take the candle into your hand and
as your eyes become semi adjusted to the
darkness mixed with the flickering light of the flame
a spider drops down and lands on you.

You swat at it wildly wondering if there are more
on you as you finally wipe the
remnants of web from your face.

You look down at the candle in your
hand and realize that is is dieing out quickly.
You move forward to what appears to be a stair case.
You use the candle you have to light the candleabras.
One on each bannister.

Appearing before you in full view is a staicase.

You see something you don't wish to see
coming at you from the upper level.
You dart to the right and through a door that you didn't
notice was there until the candles were lit.